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  • Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms in Children and Adolescents with Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy: XXY, XXX, XYY and XXYY
    (auteurs: N. Tartaglia, N. Ayari, C. Hutaff-Lee and R. Boada
    source J Dev Behav Pediatr.  -- May 2012)

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in children and adolescents with sex chromosomes aneuploidyAttention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in children and adolescents with sex chromosomes aneuploidy


  • ?Social Deficits in Male Children and Adolescents with Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy: A Comparison of XXY, XYY and XXYY syndromes
    (auteurs: L. Cordeiro, N. Tartaglia, D. Roeltgen and J. Ross
    source Res Dev Disabil.  -- July 2012)

Social deficits in male children and adolescents with sex chromosome aneuploidy a comparison of xxy xyy and xxyy syndromesSocial deficits in male children and adolescents with sex chromosome aneuploidy a comparison of xxy xyy and xxyy syndromes


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